Fellowship Groups


Need a mid-week pick-me-up?  Then why not attend our Bible study fellowship groups on
Tuesday evenings in Lemon Grove led by Pastor Fina or Wednesday evenings in the
church sanctuary at 7:00 p.m. led by Pastor Mike? (Note: the Tuesday fellowship is a
Spanish/English group, but everyone is welcome.)

For directions to church, go to the Contact/Directions page.  For directions to Pastor Fina's
fellowship group, please contact her at (858) 945-3161.
COMMUNITY CHURCH OF GOD'S WORD        9879 HIBERT STREET, SUITE C        SAN DIEGO        CALIFORNIA        92131        (858) 549-8868
Community Church of God's Word. The growing church with room for you!
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but
My words will by no means pass away."
                                                         - Matthew 24:35
Due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak, we will not be holding in-person Bible study groups until further notice.